はじめまして、嵯峨です。 | 東進ハイスクール 吉祥寺南口校 大学受験の予備校・塾|東京都

東進ハイスクール 吉祥寺南口校 » ブログ » はじめまして、嵯峨です。


2024年 4月 16日 はじめまして、嵯峨です。












When you start the process of applying to universities, keep in mind that although the road ahead may appear difficult, it is full of chances for development and achievement. Each action you take and each obstacle you conquer gets you one step closer to your objectives.

Entrance exam preparation can be difficult, and obstacles may arise. But every failure is an opportunity to improve. Accept the difficulties since they will serve as stepping stones to your future success.

Everyone experiences pressure when they compare themselves to others or worry about the future. But never lose sight of your personal growth and pace. Have faith in your own abilities and capabilities. If you don’t waver, you’ll reach your goal.

While studying is important, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Schedule fun activities, consume a balanced diet, and get enough sleep. Finding a balance between your personal and academic lives is the key to success.

Above all, have faith in your own skills. It is up to you to shape your own destiny. You’ll succeed if you believe in yourself and persevere through obstacles. The journey ahead of you could be challenging, but the rewards are certainly worth the work.



